Professional Cleaning Service ...

and More!







Looking to Sell Your Cleaning Business?

Over half the house cleaning companies which were included in last years phone book are not shown in this year's book. Where did they go? Most of them simply walked away from their businesses or gave them away to employees.

Heavenly Touch Maids is always seeking acquisition partners. So don't fold up your maid service, sell it to us. We'll hire your employees and buy your equipment. We are professionals and will insure a smooth transition while providing your customers with uninterrupted, superior service.

We offer immediate pay-for-performance deals (three or six month plans), and long-term installment payment plans, depending on the size of your operation. We don't require a business broker or financial statements. We will consider companies based on our proven formula involving assets, revenue and pro-forma profit, so it doesn't matter if your operations have been profitable in the past and it doesn't matter how few customers you have. We have a proven purchase and sale agreement which can be reviewed by your attorney +/or accountant.

You or Heavenly Touch Maids can stop the process at any time and you can be assured of full confidentiality. The steps are as follows:

  • Preliminary discussions by phone.
  • Sellers may meet at the Heavenly Touch Maids offices for further discussions (optional).
  • Both parties sign a confidentiality agreement.
  • Seller provides a Confidential Statement of Recurring jobs.
  • Next business day, Heavenly Touch Maids will provide an offer sheet including preliminary price and terms (subject to further due diligence).
  • Heavenly Touch Maids and Seller perform due diligence and agree to price and terms.
  • All legal and technical details associated with the transaction and transfers are completed.

Our Confidential Statement of Recurring Jobs includes only the minimum information needed to estimate an offer:

  • client first name, last initial
  • map code
  • client since date
  • most recent service date
  • frequency
  • service hours
  • price
For more information, please call (330) 854-9223

Heavenly Touch Maids, House Cleaning, Akron, OH


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